June 27 – July 29, 2018
For the second year in a row, the Firehouse Gallery is presenting “Fire and Ice” to kick off the beginning of summer and their July exhibit, “Summer Fun”. Staying true to their historical heritage – after all, they are located in South Kohala’s historic old fire station – they will kick off their summer exhibit by having the Waimea Fire Department at the gallery on Saturday June 30, from 10 am to Noon. ”Fire and Ice” events will include: sitting in a real fire engine, fire safety prevention for kids and parents, mini art projects and chalk sidewalk art. In addition, the Waimea Arts Council will provide free iced lemonade until 1:30 pm.
From June 27 to July 29, come see local artists’ creations depicting the Fourth of July rodeo, horseback riding, surfing, and fun at the beach. Since everyone has their minds on the volcano right now, it will be represented also. AllWAC members are local artists and use various mediums. The gallery displays original paintings, photography, jewelry and quilting. Come enjoy some “Fire and Ice” and help give summer a big kickoff.