Gallery Opening Instructions:
- Check the answering machine for messages.
- Turn on the lights in the main Gallery. (4 switches – three in front, one in back). One light switch in the front mini gallery.
- Count starting cash in the Cash Box (it should always be $200).
- Open gallery doors. Right side first because it will pull up the pin.
(Door key is in the cash box) - Place the flags and signs outside the gallery. Place the purple flag in front and the rainbow flag at the corner. Place the gallery parking sign by the crosswalk. Place the “Oops missed us” sign by the 190 sign.
- Pick up any junk outside the gallery and throw in the trash can between the buildings.
- Check the flowers in the gallery for freshness
- Sweep, dust and empty trash as needed throughout the day.
- Wifi password: HT167 0168428371
Greeting visitors:
- Acknowledge all visitors and ask if they’ve been to the gallery before.
- If not, give a little background on the show/artist on display, then other parts of the gallery. Explain that we are a non-profit organization, and a percentage of sales support Waimea Arts Council’s community art programs. You might tell them you are a volunteer and artist (if you consider yourself one).
- Ask visitors to sign the guest book.
- Keep track of visitors with marks on the calendar day.
- Encourage local visitors to become supporting members if they are not Artists.
- Smile, and have a great Day!
Sales instructions :
- On the sales form:
- Put date
- Print customer name clearly
- Get email address
- Identify item and artist. Use code (on card) of first initial and 3 letters of last name.
- Enter the amount.
- Total the amount for the sale – please use calculator.
- Mark the payment type.
- Ask – “This’ll be cash?” especially if a small purchase. We pay a fee on credit cards, so cash is always preferred if possible. No out of state checks are allowed.
- Put your name on the form.
- White form goes to customer. Yellow sheet goes in cash box envelope.
- If they are using a credit card, follow the instructions on the machine.
- To print a customer copy – press 2 after the slip you have them sign
- Staple the copy to the white form you give to the customer.
- If customers ask about shipping, suggest the UPS store nearby or if small, perhaps they can put in a suitcase.
- On the sales form:
Closing instructions :
- Document your hours on the Volunteer sign-in sheet
- Bring in flags and signs.
- Lock gallery doors securely. Close left side first, so that pin is inserted.
- Count ending cash in the Cash Box and put it away. If you’ve taken any large bills, let next docent know so that they can bring in change.
- Leave front room lights and fluorescent lights on when you leave.
- Ensure both the gallery front, side and rear doors are locked. Check that bunkhouse door is locked.
Mahalo for your continued support in volunteering as a docent!
Docent Calendar
Volunteer Sign-Up Calendar – sign in here
Open hours are 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, Friday through Sunday. Please sign up for as many days as you can manage, even outside these hours if necessary, and indicate what hours you will be working.
Hover your cursor over dates to see more detail.