One Woman Show – Wendi Roehrig
From January 1st to January 29th, Wendi Pa`ahana Roehrig will show a selection of her artwork at the Firehouse Gallery in Waimea. Wendi paints, draws, and works in a variety of crafts to celebrate the stories, culture and history so unique to Hawai`i. When speaking about her art, she wrote “The culture, history and the beauty of this place has been like no other. Now, it seems all my paintings reflect stories, chants, hula, or Hawai`i life, especially in times gone by.”
Wendi’s educational background includes a BS Degree in Art Education from the University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts, certificates in Interior Design from LaSalle Extension University, and Hawaiian Studies from the University of Hawai`i. Wendi owns Wendi Couture, where she custom designs women’s clothing. She also is a kumu for Hālau Ka `ōpu`u.
At her reception on at 3:00 p.m. on January 4th, Wendi will share the stories and hulas that were the inspiration of some of the paintings, as well as her Wendi Couture custom fabric designs.